ISP Celebrates 20 Years of Language Immersion!
ISP Celebrates 20 Years of Language Immersion!
Welcome to the 2023/2024 school year!
We are looking forward to you and your child being part of our community. Our school year will be filled with fun and exciting learning opportunities for your child. In addition to Partial Spanish Immersion, and Full Spanish Immersion, we will be offering Farsi, Hebrew, and gardening enrichment classes starting in September.
This year will offer in-person family conferences on Tuesday, August 8. School starts on Thursday, August 10. Office staff will contact you when the link to setting up your family conference is available.
At this time, return the Back-to-School forms found below, along with your child’s most current and complete immunizations record. In our efforts to be ready for your child’s first day, we ask that the indicated forms be returned to the office no later than Tuesday, July 11th. Other forms should be kept with your child’s school records. Please take a few moments to carefully read our 2023-2024 Handbook and our Health Action Plan.
We ask each family to pay a $150.00 supply fee per enrolled child. This fee, along with August tuition, is due August 1st. Any tuition received after the 5th of the month will incur a $35.00 late fee. We accept cash, checks, and money orders in the preschool office, and cards through PayPal on this website.
Be prepared for the start of the school year:
• The preschool office is in room 21 and meetings with the director are by appointment.
• The sign-in/out book for your child’s class will be located outside the preschool office. State licensing regulations require that you sign in and out each day using a full signature (first and last name).
• Please drop off and pick up your child in their designated class area. Class happenings will be displayed in the windows of the classroom.
• Please provide 2 extra full sets of labeled clothes for your child in a labeled zip-lock bag, including shoes and socks. You should change the spare clothing as the seasons change. Please send in a pair of rubber boots for mud/water play.
• Please provide a clean water bottle with a cap. The part that the child drinks out of should be covered when not in use. The water bottle must be marked with your child’s name and taken home each day to be cleaned and returned the next day.
• Any medications along with a medication form should be dropped off in the office.
• If your child stays for a full day, please provide a lunch along with an ice pack. Please provide your child with a morning snack and a second snack if he/she will attend the aftercare program.
• Please apply sunscreen on your child before school. We have requested your written permission to apply sunscreen to your child at times during the school day. It is a good idea to leave a hat at school for your child’s daily use.
• Please remember to label everything with your child's full name.
• International School for Peace is a nut free community. Other food restrictions are posted to the classroom door. Please do not send foods containing these prohibited items in your child’s snack or lunch.
• International School for Peace’s Tax I.D. is 86-0388672
If you need to make changes to your child’s schedule or your plans for returning to ISP have changed, please notify the office by July 18th to avoid August fees.
Please feel free to contact us with your questions, suggestions, or comments.
Thank you for sharing your child with us!
In Peace,
Cathy DeMers
2023 2024 School Calendar (pdf)
DownloadPlease read and keep for your records the following documents:
Please download and fill out the forms below.
Return them with your child's immunization records to: by July 11, 2023.